Russians Bemoan Kyiv's New Thermite-Firing 'Dragon Drones': 'Headache'
炎のメスで森林を切り裂くウクライナ軍の画期的新兵器「ドラゴン・ドローン」 (9月4日、ウクライナ) 42nd Mechanized Brigade/Ukraine's Defence Ministry
Thermite is a substance that burns at very high temperatures. Not only do the trees and bushes burn, but it can also damage equipment, vehicles and fortifications, and cause severe burns to soldiers.
With less vegetation, drone recon and strike missions are more effective. 2/ pic.twitter.com/cPvigulLcp
— Emil Kastehelmi (@emilkastehelmi) September 6, 2024
This tactic hasn't been widely seen before, and I'm unsure how common it will become. It won't replace FPVs or bombers as a common strike method against infantry or vehicles, but it's a potential addition to existing capabilities, at least for special purposes. 4/ pic.twitter.com/d6r1ZxH1GO
— Emil Kastehelmi (@emilkastehelmi) September 6, 2024
Thermite is a substance that burns at very high temperatures. Not only do the trees and bushes burn, but it can also damage equipment, vehicles and fortifications, and cause severe burns to soldiers.
— Emil Kastehelmi (@emilkastehelmi) September 6, 2024
With less vegetation, drone recon and strike missions are more effective. 2/ pic.twitter.com/cPvigulLcp
This tactic hasn't been widely seen before, and I'm unsure how common it will become. It won't replace FPVs or bombers as a common strike method against infantry or vehicles, but it's a potential addition to existing capabilities, at least for special purposes. 4/ pic.twitter.com/d6r1ZxH1GO
— Emil Kastehelmi (@emilkastehelmi) September 6, 2024
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