Videos Show Massive Lines for Eggs in Russia as Prices Skyrocket
インフレでルーブルの価値も下がる一方 REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov
An egg crisis is starting to "boil" in Russia and in occupied Crimea.
— War_Watcher (@war_crimes_uk) December 10, 2023
In Belgorod, huge queues lined up for cheap eggs. People began to gather as early as 7am, despite the frost.
Some stores even introduced restrictions on sales: you can buy no more than 20 eggs per customer. pic.twitter.com/FYQPwdpphk
Putin desires to bring back the USSR and russians are getting a taste of the glory days already.
— Jack Ryan (@jackryan212) December 10, 2023
Due to a nationwide egg shortage russians stand in long lines in hopes of getting a few dozen eggs this winter.@Prune602 has some good threads about labor shortages across russia. pic.twitter.com/huzL5KNjOx
2024年9月17日/24日号(9月10日発売)は「ニュースが分かる ユダヤ超入門」特集。ユダヤ人とは何なのか/なぜ世界に離散したのか/優秀な人材を輩出してきたのはなぜか…ユダヤを知れば世界が分かる